Learn More about the Heritage Club! We'll reach out to speak with you.
One of our greatest aspirations in life is to leave a mark—to make a difference.
No doubt there are issues that face our community that you feel passionate about...leadership development, health and education issues, housing and childcare. Through your care and commitment, you can help ensure that our YMCA has a secure future and that YMCA programs continue to address the most urgent needs in our community. Through the YMCA of Greater Dayton’s Heritage Club, you’ll be a community builder and your contribution will be respected and recognized for years to come.
Since 1870, the YMCA of Greater Dayton has helped people of all ages, abilities and income grow in spirit, mind and body. With great pleasure we invite our friends and supporters to become members of the YMCA Heritage Club.
The Heritage Club recognizes and honors those who have included the YMCA of Greater Dayton in their estate plans with a future gift through a bequest, life insurance, or trust arrangement; or have made an outright gift to the YMCA of Greater Dayton’s Endowment Fund.
The Heritage Club is a special group of friends who believe in the purpose and values of the YMCA. They want to ensure a better tomorrow for our society’s children, youth and families, especially those in need.
Heritage Club members plan their gifts to generate endowment funds at The YMCA of Greater Dayton. Gifts through The Heritage Club are used to build the Endowment Fund. These funds are invested for long term income and growth, and a portion of the investment income and growth is used to fund YMCA programs each year.
How Can I Help?
A family can will to the YMCA certain personal property or real estate, a specific sum of money or a percentage of estate assets. This can be for a designated purpose—we have sample “will clauses” available on request.
Retirement Funds
Retirement funds may be the most significant asset for many families. Individuals may name the YMCA as a beneficiary for all or any portion of funds remaining at death.
Life Insurance
The Endowment Fund can be included as a beneficiary, contingency beneficiary or owner of a new or existing policy. When the added protection of an insurance policy is no longer needed, transferring the policy’s ownership to the YMCA of Greater Dayton can result in tax benefits for you and a generous gift for the YMCA Endowment Fund.
Direct Gifts of Cash
A gift of cash, or publicly traded securities can be given to the endowment fund, you will receive an income tax receipt for your donation and may save capital gains taxes.
Gifts That Give Back
There are some gifts that provide a lifetime of income and a future gift to the YMCA. These type gifts are irrevocable and provide immediate tax benefits. We are happy to share more about these types of gifts and if they fit your situation.
Personal Benefits
Donors benefit from planned giving by becoming eligible for tax and estate planning advantages. Donors also benefit from knowing their gift will ensure the continued presence of the YMCA in our community helping to build a better tomorrow for our children and families. Specialists are available to explain more fully each of these gift plans, and to assist you in meeting your financial needs and desires.
It's up to us to ensure that the YMCA is here for generations to come.
Become A Member!
Interested in becoming a Heritage Club Member? Fill out our webform to get started!