Pssst! There's A New Challenge at the Y
By Susan Hickey
With a new year frequently comes new goals and resolutions. Whether the goals are financial or fitness related, everyone eventually struggles with staying focused. Ensure you meet your objectives by following these tips!
Be accountable and take a team approach. The YMCA of Greater Dayton has created a fitness challenge just for you! All you need to do is complete 12 group exercise classes in 50 days. Stop by any Member Services Desk and pick up your card, have the instructor initial your completed class on your card, and receive an individual prize for completing the challenge. Also be entered into a branch raffle.This fitness incentive begins January 1st through February 19th. Accountability can be a huge motivator. Join up with a friend and keep tabs on each other’s progress, complete the challenge together. Make plans to meet up to work out together or share healthy recipes that encourage you to make smart food choices by eating at home.
Make sure your personal ambitions are personally motivating. The goal may be fantastic for someone else, but maybe it’s not the right time for that goal for you. If you aren’t passionate about the goal, it will be challenging to achieve it.
Break goals down into smaller parts. It’s easier to aim for a reasonable target initially and build on that success. Consider target time frames of just a few days vs months.
Get organized and have a plan. Have a structured schedule for achieving each segment of your goal. For example, break down a financial target into increments, or aim to complete a certain number of Zumba classes by a specific date. Check the calendar at for a list of classes and put them on your personal schedule.
Have a built in reward. When you achieve each individual segment of your goal, reward yourself with a small experience or token that brings you joy. You worked hard to achieve that objective, so you deserve to celebrate.
Remind yourself of your why. Goals without a purpose are more difficult to achieve. If you’re aiming for a race, keep a photo of the race goal on your fridge. If it’s a weight loss goal, post a picture of your kids to remind you that you want to be healthy for them. If you are saving for a vacation, make a photo of Florida your phone background.
Remember that you’re working to change long-term habits for a healthier you. Once you achieve an incremental target or accomplish your goal, work to maintain that positive habit that got you to that point.
Time to tackle those New Year’s goals and make 2023 a year to remember! And don’t forget to stop by and pick up your YMCA Fitness Commitment Card. Hope these tips will help you start the new year on the right foot.
Susan Hickey is a part-time physical therapist and SAHM of 3. Susan and her family are Coffman YMCA members.