Everyone knows the Y as a place to camp, swim, or exercise.
Yet, the Y is so much more. As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, we provide crucial programs and services to more than 230,000 people every year. With the help of donors in 2022, we are able to provide:
$1.2 million
given to families
in need
31,576 people
were provided
scholarship assistance
kids were provided
subsidized Child Care through
the Annual Campaign
Corporate Matching Gifts Programs:
Many corporations support their employee’s philanthropic activities by providing matching gifts to the nonprofit organizations to which their employees contribute.
If you work for a company that has a matching gift program or your prospect does, please ask them to designate this on their pledge card and then assist the Y in applying for those matching funds. Many companies match dollar to dollar. Some companies double the amount given by their employee. We would appreciate being the recipient of this type of match. The matching gift form, received by the employee from the employer, can be turned into your YMCA during the year.