Martial Arts -
Power. Balance. Patience. 

Martial Arts contributes to increased physical strength, flexibility, balance, control, discipline, and spirituality. Students train with others at their own skill level progressing from basic stances, punches, blocks, and kicks to the study of more advanced Katas (patterns of movement) and defense objectives.

Martial Arts for Kids & Adults: Fun for all!

Our martial arts programs are co-ed programs and are open to ages 4 and up. We offer classes to youth, teens, and adults! (Classes and age groups vary by branch. Classes also may not be running due to Covid.)


To register or find detailed league information: Click on the "Register Now" button for complete martial art details, registration information and rates.


Martial Arts Styles Offered:

Tae Kwon Do For Kids

Our martial arts classes give students a chance to learn some of the basic elements Tae kwon do has to offer. 

The Tae Kwon Do for kids programs help them become more engaged in physical activity, but also helps teach them self-defense skills. Martial arts will also help individuals who participate become more focused and provide a terrific outlet for kids. 

These classes are not meant to promote fighting. Our focus is on instilling values such as discipline, becoming more self-aware and developing an ability to put mind over matter for our youth. 

Each Tae Kwon Do class will be taught by a highly trained, professionally certified martial arts instructor. We want to make your child's development and safety a top priority. Your child will learn the abilities of restraint, focus and control. The Tae Kwon Do classes in Dayton may vary by location. Contact your local branch for details.

Karate Classes

Build self-confidence, coordination, and physical fitness while training in traditional Japanese karate. Image yourself training to develop the skills to be a Karate black belt in the traditional 'empty- hand' styles of Okinawa. This program, sponsored by the HSKK, can help you achieve your goals of becoming a Karate Blackbelt.

The HSKK Karate program emphasizes traditional Japanese standards of strong moral character (Tokuiku), mental development (Chiiku), and physical fitness (Taiiku) through the Shotokan karate style. The program is especially designed for ages 7 and up with challenging exercises for all ages. Formerly a program of Rand Jennings' Karate Clubs, this program is continued through the efforts of graduate black belts of former Sensei Rand Jennings through the formation of a black belt club: Hokubei Shotokan Kuro-Obi Kai (a.k.a. North America Shotokan Blackbelt Club). The club's website provides the latest information of this time tested program.

Courses are based on a quarterly session format comprised of 11 weeks per quarter and pricing is also quarterly.

New students to this program begin with a Beginner's Karate course that prepares students with all the basic knowledge and skills needed to earn their first rank. More advanced courses may follow and students may then participate in Kobudo weapons study with the instructors approval

Sign-up here online or you may also sign-up for classes in person at the sign-in desk at the Coffman YMCA.  This program is currently exclusively held at the Coffman YMCA in Springboro.

Shorin Ryu For Adults

Shorin Ryu Adult Karate is a combination of Chinese Kung Fu and Okinawan punching art (Te).  Traditional techniques and conditioning exercises form an integral part of training.  This controlled style of karate helps the student develop physical and mental discipline. This class focuses on traditional Okinawan techniques which includes emphasis on formal exercise (kata). This class provides training in self-defense, basic kicking, blocking, punching techniques and situation awareness. "When to use your knowledge" is emphasized. 

Shorin Ryu class offerings vary by location. Contact your local branch for details.

Kung Fu Classes

Learn discipline and self-defense through traditional Chinese Kung Fu.  Kung Fu originated in a place called the Shaolin Temple, where monks practiced Kung Fu for health and self-defense during their quest for enlightenment. Martial arts techniques are divided into four areas: striking, kicking, grappling and throwing, and seizing and locking the joints. Every type of Chinese Kung Fu contains techniques from each of these four areas. Kung Fu teaching emphasizes moral development as well as physical training, stressing values like respect, courage, tolerance, and reverence for life. 

Kung Fu class offerings vary by location. Contact your local branch for details.

Below is a list of Branches that offer these martial arts classes at some point during the year. Click on the "Registration" button to find current league information.

Coffman YMCAFairborn YMCA
Xenia YMCAKleptz YMCA
West Carrollton YMCASouth YMCA

Premier Health YMCA

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