A Message from our President and CEO, Dale Brunner
Dear YMCA Members,
Thank you for being a member of the YMCA of Greater Dayton. As you consider how you can best care for your family and neighbors during this crisis, I would like for you to take a moment to consider how you might be able to support your community through your local YMCA.
As you most likely know, the YMCA is a Non-Profit Organization that is so much more than a gym or fitness facility. Our mission focuses our work within three core areas: Healthy Living, Youth Development and Social Responsibility. This work is overseen by a local volunteer Board of Directors from throughout the YMCA of Greater Dayton’s service territory of Montgomery County, Greene County, Preble County and Northern Warren County. Local YMCA’s are funded by local members and local donors. Your support of your local YMCA and our camp, Camp Kern, helps to keep your local Y and our Miami Valley Community strong.
The volunteer Board of Directors of the YMCA of Greater Dayton and I recognize that these are challenging times for us all, but I am writing to you today to ask you to “stay with us”, not as a fitness member, but as a Cause Driven Member that is partnering with us so that our YMCA can take on the challenging task of serving our local community.
As you know, we have been serving our community by:
· Converting most of our branches into Pandemic Child Care Centers to serve the children of critical workers. These facilities have received the approval of the State of Ohio to provide childcare for our communities essential Health Care, Emergency Personnel and Grocery staff. You can read more about these efforts on our website at https://www.daytonymca.org/pandemic-child-care.
· Our full-time staff have been calling our Senior Members to check on them and to see if they need assistance in picking up groceries, medications or something else. Our phone calls have been very well received and we are continuing to make calls.
· We are working in partnership with others to get deliveries of food to some of our region’s most vulnerable children.
· We have launched a new option on our website for members to participate in called the “Virtual YMCA”. We have over 60 high quality YMCA branded workouts for members to participate in, 60 Days of Free MOSSA Group Fitness Classes and more available to members now on our website at https://www.daytonymca.org/VirtualYMCA.
Your support of your local YMCA is more important than ever! We are asking that you “Stay with Us” and not cancel our pause your YMCA membership. Should you choose to stay with us, while our fitness activities in our branches are temporarily suspended, we will treat your April and May membership draft and any subsequent drafts as a tax deductible, charitable donation to support all the necessary community work that your Y is currently engaged in. If you must place your membership draft on hold, you can do that by visiting the form on our website here.
Maybe you are interested in doing more to partner with us? Should you like to make a donation to support our work in providing emergency child care to our community click here: https://www.daytonymca.org/online-giving
Thank you for your patience and partnership as we navigate these unprecedented and difficult times.
Dale Brunner
President and CEO
YMCA of Greater Dayton