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Get a Good Night’s Sleep

10 September 2020
A woman sleeping with an eye mask on

There are several benefits to getting good quality sleep. They include getting sick less often, staying at a healthy weight, lowering your risk for serious health problems, reducing stress, improving mood, and thinking more clearly during your day. However, many people do not get the recommended amount of sleep each night.

Since getting a good night’s sleep provides many benefits, here are a few tips to follow:

Stick to a sleep schedule – Being consistent with your bedtime by going to bed at the same time every night even on weekends.

Pay attention to what you eat and drink - The foods we eat before bedtime can affect the way that we sleep. Avoid heavy or large meals before bedtime as well as limiting caffeine in the evenings.

Create a restful environment – Create a space that is cool, dark, and quiet. Using a fan or other sound devices to create the environment best for you. Try limiting the amount of screen time in the evening.

Limit daytime naps – Yes, a good afternoon nap seems like a good idea so if you cannot resist aim for 20-30 minutes.

Include physical activity in your daily routine – Regular physical activity can assist in a good night’s sleep. Be mindful of what time of the day you do activity because if completed later in the day, it might keep you from sleeping at night.

Manage worries – Try to resolve your worries before bedtime. Journaling can be helpful in the evening to jot down what is on your mind and set it aside for tomorrow.



The Mayo Clinic

The Sleep Foundation