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Naturally Detox Your Body with Food

16 August 2022
Women blender detox foods

By Jamie Kaun

I’m being brave and admitting publicly — I’ve fallen into terrible eating habits recently. Too much sugar, too many carbs and not enough balanced meals. It’s a struggle many of us find ourselves in from time to time. I’m feeling (and seeing) the effects and it’s time to take my health back, beginning with changes that are easy to incorporate—foods that help your body detox naturally.

We all know that there are a plethora of supplements and diet plans that claim to help you lose weight, gain energy and balance your eating. And while we could list the pros and cons of many of those, the benefits of choosing clean foods that help you detox naturally is hard to dispute.

Limiting or replacing foods like refined sugar, trans and saturated fat, high amounts of caffeine, processed foods, etc. with fruits and vegetables and other “clean” foods will help your body detox – naturally.

Just a few of the benefits of detoxing your body include:

  • Improved overall health
  • Boosting energy
  • Eliminating excess waste in your liver, kidneys and colon while improving digestion
  • Losing weight
  • Clearer skin and shinier hair
  • Better immune systemBalanced emotions and improved self-confidence

So what are some of these magical foods that can help you detox? As I’m sure you can imagine, fresh fruit (particularly berries) is at the top of the list. They’re high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and low in calories. Other great foods for a natural detox include:

  • Lemon – packed with vitamin C, this citrus fruit has an alkaline effect on the body (restores the body’s pH balance). That’s great for your skin and immune system. Try starting your day with hot water and a slice of lemon to help flush out toxins.
  • Artichoke – loaded with antioxidants and fiber, they can aid the body in digesting food.
  • Ginger – high in antioxidants, it can help with digestion and reduce bloating and gas. Add some freshly grated ginger to your tea or juice (or make this detox drink) for a boost to your immune system.
  • Cucumbers – made up of about 96% water (and loaded with vitamins and nutrients), they’re great for hydration.
  • Garlic – antiviral and antibacterial, garlic contains a chemical called allicin which promotes the production of white blood cells and helps fight against toxins.
  • Beets – this little purple-ish vegetable is packed with fiber, magnesium, iron and vitamin C. Don’t like raw beets? Try them roasted.
  • Cruciferous vegetables – particularly kale, arugula, broccoli and brussels sprouts, increase the liver’s detox enzymes. For a great list of cruciferous vegetables and their benefits, check out this page.  
  • Turmeric – not only does this spice add great flavor to your food, it also helps with inflammation, improving memory and lessening pain. For more info on turmeric, read this.
  • Coffee – when enjoyed in reasonable amounts, coffee has many health benefits, including positively influencing liver enzymes.

If you’re interested in more guidance on how foods can influence your body and health, the Dayton YMCA offers sessions with a registered dietician who can provide you with a personalized plan. Find out more on the Y’s website.