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Pack Healthy Lunches Your Kids Will Love

8 September 2021
Kids Lunches

By Jamie Kaun

Getting the kids back into school routines can be a challenge, but ensuring they have a healthy, brain-fueling lunch doesn’t have to be! From the pickiest eater to the kid who loves everything (do those exist?), the ideas below will hopefully make packing lunches less of a chore and even a fun activity the kids can participate in.

Protein, legumes, fruits and vegetables are among the best items to include in a healthy, balanced lunch. These foods help fuel growing bodies, giving them the energy to learn and play.

Many foods fall into this category including yogurt (especially Greek), cheese, cottage cheese and hard-boiled eggs, which are also great sources of calcium. Lunch meat, peanut butter (check to ensure your child’s school is not nut-free – sunflower or cashew butters are great alternatives), and nuts and seeds, such as almonds and pumpkin seeds, are high in protein. Whole wheat bread is a great choice for sandwiches, but you can also mix it up a bit by using tortillas for wraps, naan or pita pockets or simply wrap a protein up in lettuce.

Legumes are a great source of protein, are low in cholesterol, can decrease blood sugars and promote healthy gut bacteria. Black beans, peas and chickpeas are just a few that many children enjoy. Chickpeas can be very versatile in flavor. Make it a fun food for your kids by inviting them to help prepare them. Simply open a can, rinse them well, thoroughly dry them and toss them with olive or avocado oil. Roast them in the oven for 20-30 minutes at 400 degrees. Toss them with seasoning (it can be sweet or savory) and enjoy!

For many kids, fruits are not a “hard sell.” They are sweet, delicious and a great source of vitamins (which varies by fruit) such as C (strengthens the immune system), D (protects teeth and bones), E (repairs damaged cells) and A (protects your eyes and skin). The list of kid-friendly fruits is lengthy, such as grapes, blueberries, strawberries, oranges, bananas, pineapple, kiwi, mango and so many more!

Admittedly, vegetables seem to be a food that’s tougher to get some kids to eat. When it comes to school lunches, the simplest ones many kids will eat include carrots, cucumbers, pepper strips, snap peas and celery. Cutting them into sticks and providing a yummy dip, like hummus or a salad dressing, can encourage kids to eat them.


What to Pack – Make it Fun!
Packing lunches daily can be a burdensome chore. Make it simpler by packing lunch for the week. In my family, we tend to pack two of the same meal for each kid. We make a total of four lunches per kid at a time for the week (they choose one day a week to buy lunch at school). Many kids don’t seem to mind eating the same meal for two days in a row or every other day. In fact, some kids prefer it that way! 

Bento containers are a great way to make fun, healthy lunches. They have small compartments that allow you to put multiple items in one container. You can find them easily in many retail