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Safety Around Water… It’s A Necessity!

30 May 2019

By: June Owens

Summer is here and the hot months of Ohio often find our families at beaches, lakes, pools, and waterparks. That’s great news for creating memories while cooling off, yet there is some bad news to be aware of before you start planning. The Center for Disease Control reports 800-900 drownings annually, making water safety a top priority and the time to start is now! And, like me before researching a few years ago, you might be thinking you’ll hear your little one and be able to quickly respond. However, most witnesses to drowning incidences report that there was little to no splashing and an absence of calling for help. There’s also a need for quick action, which makes it extremely difficult if the incident is not immediately recognized. Gary Smith, Pediatrician and Director of Injury Research at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus says, "Once a child's head goes underwater, it only takes a few minutes for their heart to stop and brain damage to occur.” Here’s what you can do right this moment to ensure safety around water for your family this summer.

  • Teach Them - The CDC and other organizations agree that formal lessons provide children with the skills and confidence needed that can reduce drowning risks by up to 88%. This can start at the YMCA by enrolling your child(ren) in the FREE Safety Around Water program for children in grades K-6 that will be held during the week of June 3-7, 2019. There are four sessions open to everyone in the community that educate students about water safety while preparing them with basic swimming skills. This is the perfect starting point for your summer planning and more information on this valuable program can be found by visiting the website at 
  • Provide Undivided Attention - Remember to keep children within sight AND at arm’s reach in and around the water, whether in your own backyard or while exploring throughout the community. You can become part of the life-saving statistics just by being proactive and ensuring that no distractions are present during these activities.
  • Learn CPR – Did you know that the YMCA offers classes that teach CPR and Basic First Aid all throughout the year? Whether called upon to save someone close to you or an unknown person, this class can ensure you are not part of the 70% of Americans who currently feel helpless to help in a cardiac emergency.  Contact CPR Coordinator, Angela Maciukiewicz , at 937-223-5201 for more information.

Safety around water is a necessity! Fatal drowning is the second-leading cause of unintentional injury-related death for children birth to 14 years of age. Knowledge of the facts is the beginning and choosing to be intentional is the way we truly dive in to do our part in ensuring true change.