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8 July 2019

By: Ryan Bush

I recently started attending yoga class. Generally speaking at the start of every class your yoga instructor will advise you to clear your mind of thoughts and set your intention for the hour. They recommend going with the first thought that pops in your mind. Doing so suggests that your subconscious knows what’s best for you. As I’ve started doing this regularly, the word balance keeps making its way into my dominant thoughts. Balance has become my intention.

If you think about it we are taught balance at a very early age. As infants we learn how to balance our bottle to feed, then our fork, then our spoon.  As toddlers we teach our legs to be strong and balance us to walk. In elementary school gym class we focus on balance for hopscotch, skipping, running and play.  We are taught to associate balance with body movement however as life matures and changes the word balance takes on a whole new meaning. It no longer becomes solely about the physical, it comes mental.

People talk all the time about work life balance and often strategize with their leadership, spouses and friends on how to achieve it. I’m fortunate to have the opportunity to work remote for my company so some would say I have been handed work life balance. However, achieving balance is about so much more than just balancing your time.

As summer quickly approaches and kids are out of school the demands of life become greater. Summer flies by so quickly. Summer camps, cookouts, vacations to the beach, slumber parties, play dates all fall in just three short months. The focus shifts to making sure to make every minute counts and focusing on how to stretch each day to accomplish more.

Running from scheduled event to scheduled event gets taxing. I’m learning to find my balance in car rides or by sneaking in a quick coffee date with a friend. Keeping a workout schedule is extremely important.  Try to make it a priority. I am focusing on trying new classes at the Y this summer to mix things up. It so important to protect your mental balance as well as your balance of time.

Enjoy the longer days with more hours of sunshine. Savor all the special moments with family and friends but don’t be afraid to say “no” every now and again. On days when life feels chaotic and the moments are passing too soon- get balanced.

Hop in the car, roll the windows down, turn the radio up, and sing to yourself or with your kids. Balance your brain which inevitably will help you balance and make better use of your time. Or jump into a Pilates or Yoga class at any one of our YMCA of Greater Dayton locations. You’ll be sure to find relaxation and balance to calm the mind in any one of our sessions. To find a location and class times, go to: