
Strength and Conditioning (ACE), First Aid/CPR and AED certified


Area of Specialty:

Strength Training, Flexibility, and Balance



Wellness Counselor, Gymnastics Coach


Training Style/Philosophy:

Shorter, fast-paced workouts because life can get pretty busy. 


My Passion for Fitness:

My passion for fitness comes from a desire to take care of my physical and mental health and help others do the same.


My Proudest Moment with a Client:

I always love seeing clients meet their goals, no matter how small. Change doesn't happen overnight.


Favorite Training Tool:

I like variety and trying new things to keep workouts fun.

Meet our Trainers!
Alice Daniels
James Trempe
Dunia Afana
Beverly Partin
Rae Miller
David Hannan
Kristina Howe